Writing to Persuade

Dr. Meehan

Final Portfolio


A portfolio is a collection of a writer’s work and ideas; while showcasing what the writer has achieved and the progress made over a period of time, it also points toward future writing and progress.


Your final portfolio for this course will thus represent what you have achieved in Writing to Persuade—both skills and confidence in writing—as well as point toward the continuing progress and development you will encounter as a writer in your studies at Morningside and in the wide world beyond. Remember what Emerson says: “Good writing is a kind of skating that takes the writer where he would not go.” Your portfolio is the backward glance you take as you are moving forward.



Part One: Self-Reflection

A 2-3 page reflection on the work you did this term, what you feel you learned about writing and its range of purposes (reflection, reporting, explaining, arguing), progress you made and what you hope to build upon and develop further in future studies and writing. Your self-reflection will include a discussion of the essay you have chosen to revise—why you chose that, what the essay reflects about your writing ability and confidence, and how you assess its achievement at this point. Identify and explain what you did for the revision. I will assess your self-reflection both for its thoughtfulness and effectiveness in communicating your thoughts. [50 points]

I will use a familiar rubric:

            Excellent: 45-50

            Strong: 40-44

            Average/Sufficient: 35-39

            Weak: 30-34

            Insufficient or Failing: below 30



Part Two: Further Revision

You will select one of the four essays you wrote this term and further revise and develop it. The essay should be in the 4-5 page range. One of the ways you might go back to the piece and re-vise it (see it again), would be to think about combining 2 or more of the purposes we studied individually. For example, develop your explaining essay by adding reflection or reporting to it. This revision also gives you an opportunity to focus on style, language, and other aspects of polishing your writing that you may not have had time for in the first version. Your goal is to finish this piece of writing understanding that this is the strongest and most persuasive writing you have achieved. I will be assessing both the final achievement as well as the effectiveness of the revision. [50 points]

            Excellent: 45-50

            Strong: 40-44

            Average/Sufficient: 35-39

            Weak: 30-34

            Insufficient or Failing: below 30



Due: In the final exam period when we will share and celebrate our writing from the course.


You will submit your self-reflection and final revision to Blackboard. For those who are interested in electronic publishing, I am offering extra credit (added to your final participation grade) to any writer who submits the portfolio using her/his web space--that is, who creates a web portfolio.

For those interested in including some or all of their portfolio on your Morningside web page (something I invite you to consider), here is a link for technology help:
