The Writer's Experience

Middle School Writers Workshop

College for Youth / Morningside College

Dr. Sean Meehan /English Department





Good writing is a kind of skating that carries off the performer where he would not go.

[Ralph Waldo Emerson]



Summer Skating (volume 1, August 2006)

[link for the online magazine produced and edited by workshop participants]


College for Youth

[link for the home page for College for Youth/Summer Institute]





Links to Dr. Meehan's other webs and courses at Morningside College

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Site developed and maintained by Sean Meehan, Ph.D.

Department of English /Morningside College /1501 Morningside Ave. /Sioux City, IA 51106


The Morningside College Experience cultivates a passion for life-long learning

 and a dedication to ethical leadership and civic responsibility

Last Updated: 05/23/2008