Creating your English Department Portfolio


To register

Go to: or click the link on the bottom left of the home page.

Department Password: mornenglish

To login or click the link on the bottom left of the homepage.

Once logged in…

…click the “Account” link at the top right of the website (on the navigation menu). This page is the panel you will use for creating and managing your portfolio, tandem stories, and essays.

Your portfolio

You are allowed to have 8 pages in your portfolio. You are not required to use all of them.

            Creating and Updating:

        In order to create and update your portfolio you will be working directly in Microsoft Frontpage (or any text editor, for those who are HTML savvy). Under the Account link on the English Department Website, you’ll want to click “Edit Portfolio”. Leave this page open for the time being. You will create or edit your desired pages in FrontPage, click Code View at the bottom, and copy and paste the code into the desired box on the “Edit Portfolio” page you opened earlier (e.g. if you are updating your home page, will you paste the code into the first box). Once you have made the appropriate changes, click the “Update Portfolio” button at the bottom of the page.

            Linking Between Pages:

You will most likely want to provide the viewer of your portfolio with some way to navigate between the 8 pages you are allowed. Let’s say you are using page 5 of your portfolio to list your qualifications, and you want to put a link to those qualifications on page 1 (your home page). To do this, open page 1 in FrontPage, and go to Insert, click “Hyperlink”. At the top of this dialogue box you will see a text field that says “Text to display:” next to it. In this case, you would put something similar to “Qualifications”, so the viewer will know what to expect when they click this link. At the bottom you will see an address box. This is the page we want to link to. For simplicity, all you have to enter is {p5} in this case. If we wanted to link to the fourth page of our portfolio, we would enter {p4}, {p1} for the home page, etc.

        Using Images:

If the image you wish to use is on your computer:

Click the “Manage Images” link on your Account page at the English Department Website. You can have an unlimited number of images. You simply click Browse and find the image the image on your PC, click the “Upload Images” button, and you will then be able to use this in your portfolio.

            Using these images is fairly simple. On the “Manage Images” page you will see “Location:” next to each image. Copy the location (do not highlight the word “Location:” when copying), and open FrontPage. In front page, go to Insert à Picture à From File, and paste the location where it says “File Name:”. Click Open, and FrontPage should then load the image into your FrontPage website (you will at first see a message stating that FrontPage is connecting to the server to retrieve the image; this is normal, and it will disappear after a few seconds).

If the image you wish to use is already on the internet:

In front page, go to Insert à Picture à From File, and paste the location of the image where it says “File Name:”. Click Open, and FrontPage should then load the image into your FrontPage website (you will at first see a message stating that FrontPage is connecting to the server to retrieve the image; this is normal, and it will disappear after a few seconds).

NOTE: You must be connected to the internet to insert images into FrontPage. You can NOT use images from your local hard drive alone. Either upload them from your PC using the “Manage Images” script, or use an image that is already on the internet. Do NOT insert an image from your hard drive into FrontPage, or it will not show up on your portfolio.





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Site developed and maintained by Sean Meehan, Ph.D.

Department of English /Morningside College /1501 Morningside Ave. /Sioux City, IA 51106


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 and a dedication to ethical leadership and civic responsibility

Last Updated: 04/28/2008