Emerson’s School/ Fall 2007

Schedule of Reading and Assignments

Subject to Change (remember what Emerson says about ‘foolish consistency’); check the assignments page for latest updates.


Date                            Assignment                                                     Focal Point






W  8/29



1st day of class


F 8/31



 “American Scholar” + reading log


 Reading log description


I take this to be some sort of guide for what Emerson might want us to be as readers and writers: what does he want? what might we do, even as we study Emerson, to be or become Emersonian?


Date                            Assignment                                                     Focal Point


M  9/3


Labor Day: no class.



W  9/5


 “Divinity School Address” and “The Method of Nature” + reading log

 What does Emerson understand religion and spirit to be? What is nature (think what method implies)? Any links between his view of nature and his view of spirituality?


F  9/7


.Further reading: biographical and cultural context.

Read the Martin Bickman chapter (handout) "The American Scholar vs. American Schools" + read the Barbara Packer essay "Ralph Waldo Emerson" in our text (p. 725- 738) for an overview of his work


 Any insight thus far from his life or culture we can begin to apply? What about his life/culture do you want to know?



Date                            Assignment                                                     Focal Point


M  9/10


 Tutorial [meet in my office]:

Victoria, Alisha, Misty



W  9/12


 Nature + reading log




F  9/14


Further reading: transcendentalism, biography





Date                            Assignment                                                     Focal Point


M 9/17


Tutorial [meet in my office]:

Rachel, Kelsey



W 9/19


 “Intellect” [linked here: http://www.emersoncentral.com/intellect.htm

and “Circles” + log



F  9/21


Link #1 due

 post to blackboard discussion




Date                            Assignment                                                     Focal Point


M  9/24


Tutorial: optional (come by my office); work on reading




W 9/26


“Friendship,” “Experience” and “Threnody” + log

[Friendship linked here]



F  9/28


 Further Reading: biography

[include letters and journal]




Date                            Assignment                                                     Focal Point


M  10/1


 Tutorial: optional; come by for questions on reading and suggestions as you work towards the writing due Friday.



W  10/3



“Fate” [in place of log, work on draft of link 2]



F  10/5



Full draft of link # 2 (will workshop)

[meet in library]




Date                            Assignment                                                     Focal Point


M  10/8


Post link #2 to Blackboard by class time (no meeting)



W  10/10


“Shakspeare; or The Poet” and “Quotation and Originality”

[meet in library]

 what is Emerson's view of originality? how does he apply that to the poet or writer? any surprises--or consistencies?


F  10/12


 Further Reading: Dillard, The Writing Life (at least half way)

[meet in library]



Date                            Assignment                                                     Focal Point


M  10/15


Tutorial: initial ideas for research + finish The Writing Life

[meet in library]



W  10/17


Further Reading: One additional Emerson essay of your choice + reading log



F  10/19


No class: Fall break





Date                            Assignment                                                     Focal Point


M  10/22


 Tutorial: Research and exploration

[optional: stop by and see me in my office for questions and updates]



W  10/24


Critical Readings:

"The Problem of Emerson" (in Norton);





F  10/26



 Further Reading:  book review of critical resource


 Assignment: Select a book of criticism about Emerson (where he is a central focus). Read any introductory chapters and at least one of the main chapters. Write a 1-2 page assessment of the argument: a paragraph describing/summarizing its thesis; a paragraph or 2 focusing on one or more key examples that the author explores; a paragraph assessing the strength of the argument and explaining how you or another scholar might use this resource, how it could be applied to another study of Emerson.


Date                            Assignment                                                     Focal Point


M  10/29


Tutorial [in library]: meet to discuss work in progress, continue research (for working bibliography)



W  10/31


  Link #3 due: meet in library

 post to Blackboard


F  11/2


Further reading: letters, journals

--Read/browse the section in our book that reprints chunks of Emerson's journals and letters--look for anything interesting and relevant.



.What from Emerson's biography/letters/journals might be of relevance to your project--what might you look for?


Date                            Assignment                                                     Focal Point


M  11/5


Tutorial: I will be in my office, stop by if you want feedback on your research and work in progress



W  11/7


Further reading: present a critical resource you are likely to use in essay: prepare for a 5-10 minute presentation to the group, summarizing and evaluating the argument, explaining and showing us how you plan to use this in your project

 This is a critical source of importance to your thinking and your writing--will show up in your essay and play a role.


F  11/9


Workshop: initial draft due

 3-4 pages minimum; posted to Blackboard. Don't fret with the introduction or the thesis--try to get into the reading and see where it goes; we will use this to determine what is working, what needs to be worked.


Date                            Assignment                                                     Focal Point


M  11/12


Tutorial: In my office--we will work on issues in your draft/writing thus far.

 10.30: Misty and Kelsey

10.50: Alisha and Rachel

11.15: Victoria



W  11/14


Reading: my essay on Emerson and education, "Living Learning" plus keep working on your drafting



F  11/16


Workshop: further draft due

 Should be minimum 5 pages




Date                            Assignment                                                     Focal Point


M  11/19


Further reading: Ceremony

Just start reading (to take a break from your writing--or at least, put it aside for a couple days)

Meet in the library: we will talk briefly about the novel and touch base on your work in progress.

 Any Emersonian echoes here?


W  11/21


No class: Thanksgiving



F  11/23


No class: Thanksgiving



Date                            Assignment                                                     Focal Point


M  11/26


Tutorial: Come with the latest version of your essay, ready to ask questions and discuss your work in progress.

 We will begin working on: the strongest paragraph; a weaker paragraph; thoughts about your introduction


W  11/28


Further reading: Ceremony

+ workshop: complete and nearly final version of paper due (will work on editing)



F  11/30


Capstone essay due.

Essay will be due (in Blackboard) by 5pm. Those who want/need additional tutorial can meet with me in office.






Date                            Assignment                                                     Focal Point


M  12/3


Finish Ceremony

Meet in library: will discuss the novel; discuss the annotated bibliography (required for department portfolio); begin to consider your presentation


W  12/5


Prepare conference presentation; remediation of your essay



F  12/7


[last class]


 Your presentations will take place in the Hickman Room beginning at 12. Plan on a 10 minute presentation.


For Final Conference (scheduled during exam week): you will prepare and submit a 2-3 page self-reflection discussing your achievement in the course and with the project, how that relates to your achievement overall in the department. Consider this an initial version of the reflective essay you will turn in with your final department portfolio. During the conference, you will also be negotiating your course grade with me (see the rubric for guidelines).